A Podcast with Harry, Robin & Alan
This weeks podcast is all about the finances of Celtic – is there scope for growth or are we all maxed out?
We know that the only thing that matters in football is winning on the pitch but that is determined by the quality of player and quality of manager at the club and THAT is largely determined by the money you have to spend, specifically when it comes to the Champions League and European Football in general. With the draw for Europe pending I therefore wanted to speak with two Tims who could give an insight to the financial climate within which we operate and to ascertain if we could squeeze an extra £10m or so that might push us over the edge and into regular UCL last 16 territory.
Alan and Robin know their finances and are worldly wise so who better to have this chat with?
Pick us up from all the usual places;
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celticunderground-celtic-football/id305526084?mt=2
Stitcher – http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/harry-brady/the-celtic-underground?refid=stpr
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Spreaker – https://www.spreaker.com/user/harrybradycu
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/HarryBradyCU
TuneIn – https://beta.tunein.com/radio/The-Celtic-Underground-p1012979/
Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/harrybradycu-2/the-celtic-underground-room