In the summer of 2006 a few of us decided to set up the Celticunderground website. At the time we were somewhat disillusioned at the cosy relationship between some fansites and the board which was developing and felt that we wanted to be part of something that wasn’t being influenced by the PLC. We were angry middleaged men(no laughing at the back please) and we weren’t going to take it anymore. Looking back on what was written it’s clear that in some aspects we were spot on and in others we were hopelessly naive.
Thirteen years has passed since we decided to set this site up and Celticunderground has evolved beyond anything we could have expected. Mince from CM once said to us that when Celticunderground was set up he couldn’t see where the space was in the market for yet another Celtic fan site but he quickly realised that we carved a unique niche for ourselves. That’s a nice thing to say but it suggest a degree of forward planning which we just don’t possess. We didn’t have a clue how this site would evolve. Bhoy in the Picture? Celticrumours? Podcasts? All things that we just stumbled upon and decided to play with for a while in order to amuse ourselves more than anything. Nobody was more surprised than us when folk started to recommend us or to link to the stuff we were putting out.
And there in lies the problem. There were just too many folk accessing the site in it’s previous form. Our hosting company informed us that without significant changes to our hosting plan they’d have to pull the plug. We’re pretty proud of what we’ve put together here and the influence we have had on others so we were loathed to shut up shop and call it a day. The alternative was to upgrade the server and make changes to the site.
So that’s what we’ve done.
The change in server seems like an appopriate time to review all aspects of the site. In 2006 we said we’d never go on newsnow. Well that’ll be changing. We can cope with more readers and we feel that content produced by guys like St Anthony and Lachie Mor deserves as wide an audience as possible. We’ll not be chasing the hits but we’re proud of our content and we’d like folk to get a chance to read it. The audience is on newsnow and we’ll just have to accept that.
In 2006 we said, “Having said that don’t expect there to be something every day. Because as we all know sometimes nothing happens. Now we could give you 500 words on the fact that nothing is happening but what’s the point of that? It’s called filler and it’s more commonly known as rubbish. If we’ve got something to say we’ll say it. If we’ve got nothing to say you won’t hear a peep out of us.” That’ll remain true. We’ll not be regurgitating the Daily Record in order to produce newsnow links.
We’ll be reviewing all aspects of the site over the coming months and if we think we can make the site better we’ll do so. This new site has been kind of thrown together and there are aspects of it that are pretty rough around the edges. If you can think of something we aren’t doing and should be then email us. We do this site because we enjoy but we’re not so arrogant that we don’t think it’s important to listen to what others think.
So how is this new look site going to work? Well a couple of problems present themselves immediately. We’re unable to copy over all of the content from the old site to this one. So if you have previously been a registered member of the site we’re afraid you’ll need to reregister in order to post comments. Registering will give you access to a couple more bells and whistles right enough. All our old content can still be found by clicking the archive link in the main menu.
Back in 2006 we said we didn’t have a scooby as to what you should expect from Celticunderground. We’ve a slightly better idea these days as to what we are good at and what isn’t worth wasting your time with. However, at it’s heart Celticunderground will remain a website by fans for fans. If we’re not doing something that you think we should be then email us and let us know. Better still write it yourself and we’ll put it up on the site.
The site has evolved into something that none of us could have predicted and we’d like to think that we’ll keep changing in the coming years. It might not be to everyone’s tastes but it will always be about genuine fans saying what they think because they love the club.
And whatever happens the Celticunderground still won’t be accepting any invites to attend Celtic Park for tea and biscuits.

celticunderground.net is a celtic fan site publishing rumours, audio and opinion in addition to accurate and reported facts. All data and information shown on celticunderground.net is for entertainment purposes only.
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celticunderground.net accepts no responsibility for any comments submitted on this site nor any loss or damage they may cause.
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