We Battered Them
Make no mistake, whilst this wasn’t another 5-1 victory we once again showed, on their patch, that the newest version of Rangers Football Club are a million miles away from competing with Celtic. Not only are they a million miles away from competing with Celtic but as today’s league table shows, they’re quite a way from being the second or even 3rd best team in Scotland.
Audio was recorded at the game to try and capture the emotion of the day and then I dialled up Henrik Vegetable on the way home to try and capture the joy of the supporters in the immeidate aftermath of the game (so excuse the audio as the podcast is recorded in the car on the way back).
Rangers couldn’t cope with our movement in the first 15 minutes and were nothing after the 2nd goal – their heads went down and our superior fitness told. Yes, we are 35 – 40 minutes fitter than them. That is a huge gulf.
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celticunderground-celtic-football/id305526084?mt=2
Stitcher – http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/harry-brady/the-celtic-underground?refid=stpr
RSS Feed – http://celticunderground.libsyn.com/rss
Audioboom – https://audioboom.com/channel/celticunderground
Spreaker – https://www.spreaker.com/user/harrybradycu
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/HarryBradyCU
TuneIn – https://beta.tunein.com/radio/The-Celtic-Underground-p1012979/
Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/harrybradycu-2/we-battered-them