Jozef Venglos with Lubo
Dear Dr Jo
This past week saw the passing of Big Shuggie Edvaldsson and formerCeltic manager Dr Jozef Venglos.
Jóhannes Eðvaldsson signed for Celtic in 1975 and made 127 appearances for the club. He scored 24 goals for Celtic playing in defence, midfield and attack but made his name mainly as a central defender.
Dr Jozef Venglos was the first foreign born & raised manager of a club in the English top tier league(now it’s the EPL): Aston Villa. He won the European Championships at under 23 level, and then his finest moment in coaching, the full European Championship with Czechoslovakia in 1976, beating Netherlands in the semi-finals and West Germany in the Final, as well as reaching the quarter-finals of the Italia 1990 World Cup. Appointed President of the European Coaches Union in 1995 as well as being chosen to coach European and World select teams in the 1980’s and 1990’s. AT Celtic he signed the great players Lubo & Mjallby for Celtic. Truthfully, he never made a bad signing. Disgracefully treated by the local press whilst in Scotland (quite petty patronising racism in some cases).
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Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/1DP71JuyXov72ehwiN1hcg
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Player FM – https://player.fm/series/celticundergroundthe-celtic-football-fan-podcast