
You can listen to and download the latest podcast here        


As already stated we have had to change the feed and it can now be found here . If you subscribe via itunes you should now subscribe via this link
. And we’ll still take reviews on itunes if anyone cares to put one up. In our usual shambolic fashion we’ve made a mug of the address for the feed this week but ach well not to worry eh? (Notice how I slip into the royal “we” when discussing mistakes? When things go well I”m happy to take all the credit but if I make a mug of something I make it seem like it’s a collective failing. I should be in the Government.)

To get in touch with us regarding any comments, suggestions,
criticisms or wildly inaccurate rumours you’d like to see addressed on
the next podcast, or if you’d like to contribute with an mp3 you can email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or leave your comments below.