japan-earthquakeWe received the following today and felt we should bring it to your attention:

Although this is the first time that I have written to your site, I have been an avid reader for many years, and also love the podcast. I am Scottish, from Glasgow, but have lived in Japan for 16 years now. As everyone now knows, there have been terrible events happening over here in the past week, and I have a few points I’d like to address to the whole Celtic community.

We had Naka, and while he was no Larsson, he was quite a genius with the ball at his feet, and he gave us all so many special moments. Mizuno was no Naka, but he was, well, a bit cooler, and he also gave his all whenever he pulled on the hoops. Their home country is in a terrible mess right now and is in desperate need of help and support.

With that in mind I have a couple of requests:

1. On Sunday at the SFL’s showpiece competition final, please look out your old Shunsuke or Mizuno flag, scarf, or t shirt and wear / display it in support of Japan

2. Don’t buy a Hampden pie. Give the money you save to the Red Cross. Even the cost of a pie would be much appreciated over here and put to good use.

3. When singing “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, please spare a thought for those in desperate need and let the words of the song show your support.

4. For those of you who can make a sign, a simple message in Japanese, japaNESE_TEXT, which roughly translated means “good luck Japan” or “Keep going Japan” would be great.

This country took Celtic into their hearts when Shunsuke and Mizuno were at the club. It’s time to show that once you are in the Celtic family, you are never forgotten and will never walk alone.

Thank you all. I am always proud to be a Celtic supporter and I know I will be this weekend too.

Donate to SCIAF’s Japan relief  fund.